We need your help and ask for your support as a sponsor.
Why do we need sponsors?
- This event is self-supporting so we need initial start-up capital to secure services.
- We want everyone to attend. Your donations will help lower ticket prices to ensure affordability for everyone.
What are the benefits of being a sponsor?
- Your business will be featured in print materials and online with a link to your website.
- Receive special recognition at events.
- Show your support for this historic local community.
Sponsorship Levels
Platinum Sponsor $2,500
Includes: FULL PAGE AD and Priority Location Selection (subject to availability, based on first come, first served basis) in Reunion Program; Logo featured on select printed Reunion advertising; a listing on the Reunion website with company logo, and link to your website; Special Recognition during Reunion Event.
Gold Sponsor $1,000
Includes: 1/2 PAGE AD and Priority Location Selection (subject to availability, based on first come, first served basis) in Reunion Program; Logo featured on select printed Reunion advertising; a listing on the Reunion website with company logo, and link to your website; Special Recognition during Reunion Event.
Silver Sponsor $500
Includes: 1/4 PAGE AD and Priority Location Selection (subject to availability, based on first come, first served basis) in Reunion Program; Logo featured on select printed Reunion advertising; a listing on the Reunion website with company logo, and link to your website; Special Recognition during Reunion Event.
Friend of the Reunion – Bronze Business or Non-Profit Sponsor $250
Includes: Business card ad in Reunion Program; listing on Reunion website with company logo and link to your website; Special Recognition during Reunion Event.
Personal Sponsor $100
Includes: Sponsor listing in Reunion Program, displayed on Reunion website; Special recognition during Reunion Event.
Other Sponsorships as requested (goods, services, etc.)
Create your own custom sponsorship.